Three Tips For Setting Up Your Warehouse To Ship Out Of The Country
If your job includes sales and shipping into other nations, setting this up can be much different than shipping to customers in your own country. Shipping to other nations can be expensive, depending on where they are located and you want to make sure that your company is prepared for the expense, as well a the organization that is required to sell outside of the country. If you have a warehouse or storage area where you set up your items before they are sold and shipped off, you can make shipping to Japan and other countries easier by setting up the warehouse correctly. Here are some ways to set up your shipping storage.
Hang all country rules on the wall
Depending on the country, there are rules that you will have to follow about what can and cannot be shipped into the nation. There may also be rules about how much citizens pay with regard to customs tax. On the wall of your storage facility, hang up a list of rules and regulations for each country on a clipboard. Above the clipboard display the name of the country that the rules belong to. Before you ship out a product to any country, read over the regulations before closing the box to make sure you are obeying all of the laws.
Place banned countries lists
Underneath each of the items inside of your storage warehouse, add a list of countries that the product is banned in. Tape this notice to the shelving directly beneath the item, but make sure it is within sight and easily readable. Having this list can stop you in your tracks from accidentally sending out an item that is not allowed.
Save customs contacts
Some countries have moral clauses on certain products or may ban specific brands that make products, so it may not be easy to figure out if the product is allowed or not. For instance, if you ship to Japan, there is a rule against shipping items that harm the countries morals. This can be certain types of pornography or reading. If you are not sure about whether your item is allowed, you should contact customs in Japan to ask specifically. Keep a running contact list of phone numbers and email addresses for customs in the countries that you ship to. This will give you the option to call or shoot a quick email through your smartphone or tablet if you want to check before sending out a product.